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Sending The Sound Of God's Love Around The World


Dr. David J. Abbott M.D. is an author, speaker, and sailor. He is an eye surgeon who treats inner blindness showing people how to look at the world through eyes of possibility and love. Positive Christian Radio features his positive podcasts.  Discover how good your life can become when you maxout on God's love.  You can become a new person with a new way of thinking and feeling.  You have nothing to lose except your old life!

Give your mind a push in a positive direction and learn how to max out on God's love. CLICK ON THE SMALL ARROW TO LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF GOD'S LOVE. Your heart and mind are waiting to hear from you, so send them a positive message of love.

Do you have enough power to make it through your daily challenges?  Discover the Positive Power of God's Love.


Does God really love you? Can you depend on his love? Find out how to max out on God's love.

What would your life be like if you didn't limit God? Take the handcuffs off God and let him work in your life.

How can you become a new person with a new way of thinking and feeling? Find out how to make it happen.

How can you get more love into your life? Discover God's Law of Love.

Healing or wholeness? Discover how to become a whole person.

Once is not enough. How to be born spiritually.

Live as if you are in God's Presence. How to practice the presence of God.


Do you have a problem hearing God's voice of love? You need to be still and know that I am God.

Where are you God? How to experience God's presence and power.

Putting the squeeze on God. You can't squeeze God into your leftover moments.

I can't see you God. Is there a problem?

Mirror mirror on the wall.  Good self -esteem comes from God.

The facts of love. You need to look at yourself through God's eyes of love.

Treating the symptoms and not the disease. Don't just treat your symptoms. Go all the way and fix the problem.

The octopus with one-thousand arms. The forgiving heart is the forgiven heart.

Guilt - Hazardous Substance - Handle With Care. Don't punish yourself with guilt.

Be Yourself. Be Excellent. God gave you the ability to achieve excellence.

Escaping Perfection.  God accepts you as you are. If it's good enough for God, it should be good enough for you.

Living in the fifth dimension. It's time to come to your senses.

Ultimate Reality Check. You can't fool God.

Enough Faith. Any faith is enough faith to move in the direction of your dreams.

Don't even think about it. How to escape from temptation.

How to do a brain transplant. Learn how to transplant new thoughts into your mind.

Real power over negative thinking. How to push your mind in a positive direction.

You can download or subscribe to Positive Christian Radio Podcasts from I-Tunes or directly from this web site by clicking on these buttons. All of the podcasts are free, and if you put them into your mind, they could change your life.  

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In Matthew 16:23 Jesus said, “You are a stumbling block to me.  You think as men think, not as God thinks."  Jesus said that when we think like men, we stumble.  How we think and what we think is important.  Wrong thinking trips us up.  We need a new way of thinking; we need to think as God thinks. When you get in agreement with God, then you are thinking the way that God thinks. You need to understand how God thinks so that you can get in agreement with him.  God is the God of the possible.  Impossible is not found in his vocabulary, and impossibility doesn’t exist in his universe.  Everything is possible when you think the way God thinks.


God thinks abundance.  Jesus said that he had come so that you might have life and have it more abundantly.  God created the world and everything in it.  What you need is no big deal to God.  Supplying your needs won’t break his back or bankrupt his kingdom.  God enjoys giving you good things.  His plan is to fill your cup with blessings until it runs over.

God thinks possibility.  All things are possible when you think the way God thinks.  God is the God of possibility, and there is no limit to how good your life can become when you think the way God thinks.

God thinks positive.  The most positive force in the universe is God’s love.  It changes the way you think and feel making you into a positive person.

God thinks positive expectations.  When you get into agreement with God, your expectations change.  Impossible becomes possible, and scarcity becomes abundance.  God has a powerful positive plan for your life.  God expects good things to happen in your life when you think the way that He thinks.

God thinks forgiveness.  God forgives you for the wrong things that you have done.  He not only wipes the slate clean, He also throws the slate away.

God thinks freedom for the captives.  Jesus came to set the prisoners free.  The chains of lack and limitation fall off when you think the way God thinks.

God thinks release from oppression.  Jesus came to liberate you from all forms of oppression. Economic, spiritual, chemical, and psychological dependencies disappear when you think the way God thinks.

God thinks recovery of what has been lost.  The blind receive their sight.  What the world destroys and takes away, God recovers and restores.

God thinks favor.  He bestows his blessings on all who get in agreement with him.  He opens the windows of heaven, and blessings fall all around.

God thinks good news. God has no dark side.  He is on our side, and is in it with us for the long haul.  All of God’s thoughts are good news.  When you become silent and listen for God’s voice, you hear his positive message of love.

You can trust God.  If you do your part, God will do his.  When you get in agreement with him, when you think the way that He thinks, then God starts working miracles in your life.

Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive.” Asking simply recognizes that God is the source of all good things, and that He can be trusted to provide.  Outsourcing doesn’t exist in God’s kingdom of love.   All of us need to be reminded that God is our source.  God will give you what you need unless you block him.  There are no shortages in God’s kingdom of love.  God is a God of abundance, and when you get in agreement with him, when you trust him to supply your needs, when you have positive expectations, then the windows of heaven open, and blessings fall all around.






The most powerful and most positive force in the universe is God's love. When God's love gets inside your heart and mind, it changes the way you think and feel.  When your mind is full of thoughts consistent with God's love, then your mind is exactly the way God means for it to be.  When your heart is full of emotions that are consistent with God's love, then your emotions are healthy, and they are exactly the way God means for them to be.

Dr. Abbott's specialty is restoring inner vision so people can look at the world through eyes of possibility and love.  In order to make that happen, people need to experience the power of God's love.  They need to learn how to max out on God's love.

If you are looking for a statement of faith, a spiritual insurance policy, or want to be compressed into a spiritual mold, you are at the wrong place. If you want to experience the power of God's love to get a new way of thinking and feeling, you are definitely in the right place.

If you want to grow spiritually, then you need to learn how to Max Out On God's Love. 

What does it mean to Max Out on God's Love?

1.  You dare to call God your Father.

2.  You have a personal relationship with God based on love.  You fall in love with God.

3.  You send your love back to God through loving other people.  You fall in love with other people.

4.  You practice God's presence every day all day long.

5.  You give up your need to be right and switch the focus of your life to love.

6.  You move in the direction of the dream that God placed in your heart regardless of the consequences.  You act as if that dream is possible and work each day to make it happen.

7.  You use prayer to do a reality check and align yourself with God's plan for your life.You trust God's plan because it's good for you and perfect for the type of person you are.

8.  You open your heart and mind to the power of God's love.  His love washes the toxic waste out of your mind and heals your damaged emotions.

9.  You live congruently as a whole person with your intellect, emotions, and will all heading in the same direction.  You become an Unstoppable, Consistently Positive, Endlessly Persistent, Doer of Dreams.

10. You spend the rest of your life focusing on God's love and putting good things into your mind.

This is your big opportunity to become alive spiritually.  This is your chance to become  a new person with a new way of thinking and feeling.  If that's what you want, then this course is for you.

Having a personal relationship with God is more than a celestial insurance policy that guarantees safe passage to paradise when you die.  It has more to do with the here and now.  If you get the here and now right, you don’t need to worry about what will happen when you die.  The Father who took care of you during your stay on planet earth is trustworthy, and when it’s time for your promotion, He will take care of you on the other side of eternity.  You can count on that!

God focuses his love on you right where you are with all your problems and addictions, and He does it now.  The Father is a here and now God.

Nothing is too hard for God.  After all, He created the universe and everything in it.  When it comes to dealing with your problems and turning your life around, He’s in it with you for the long haul, and He is ready to move mountains of difficulty out of your life.  God will do more than point you in the right direction.  He will also give you the power to make the trip.

So what can you expect from your personal relationship with God? 

When Jesus started his mission on planet earth, he stated exactly what you should expect.  He said that he came, “To announce good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  That is his master plan for the here and now.

There is Good News in the here and now, and you are supposed to take it personally.

There is Freedom in the here and now, and you are supposed to take it personally.

There is Recovery from what has been lost in the here and now, and you are supposed to take it personally.

There is Release from oppression in the here and now, and you are supposed to take it personally.

There is God’s special favor in the here and now, and you are supposed to take it personally.

God has a dream for your life that has all of these components in it.  His master plan is good news from start to finish.  Old things will pass away, and God will make all things new.  You will discover the truth that sets you free.  You will recover what has been lost.  You will be released from all forms of oppression, and your addictions will become a thing of the past.  Finally, God will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings into your life.  That sounds like a plan that I can live with. That’s what Jesus came to do in the here and now, and it’s high time that you take it personally.

Jesus said that faith is essential to making your life into what  you want it to be.  He said, "As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."  What is it about faith that makes it so important?

1.   Faith changes your vision.  When you have faith, you see possibilities that other people cannot appreciate.  While others stumble around in spiritual darkness, you see where you are going, and you have clarity of purpose.

2.   Faith changes your focus.  You radically shift your focus in a new direction, and that focus expands.  Instead of your limited and short-sighted dreams, you have the privilege of experiencing God's dream for your life. 

3.  Faith takes the handcuffs off God.  God doesn't push and shove his way into your life.  He enters your heart and mind by invitation only.  You must ask him to come in and change the way you think and feel.  Once you ask him into your heart and mind, the handcuffs come off God, and He starts working miracles.

4.  Faith gives you positive expectations.  Your old way of thinking and feeling is gone.  You believe that there is no limit to how good your life can become when you get in agreement with God's plan.  When you say yes to God, his purpose and plan take you places that you never dreamed were possible. 

5.  Faith is a switch that turns you on and starts you moving.  The inertia of your old life dissipates as the power of God's love rolls through your heart and mind.

6.  Faith makes you congruent.  Your head, heart, and will now want the same thing and move  in the same direction.  You get in agreement with God, and become a part of his unstoppable plan. 

7.  Faith gives you courage when you place your trust in God.  God is your Defender, the Captain of your fate, and the Master of your soul.  He is your Guide and will show you where to take the next step.  He knows your life from start to finish, and it won't be over until He says it's over.  You have nothing to fear.


Attitude Of Praise

Affirmations Of Praise

How To Control Emotions

Positive Mental Checklist

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Christian Positive Self-Talk

Christian Positive Thinking


Maximum Strength Positive Thinking   Owner's Manual for Your Mind   Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking
Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love   Positive Christian Self-Talk   Positive Self-Talk Purple Book
The wheel of change always turns in the direction of what you put into your mind.  It's time to develop a persistently positive focus so that you can have a consistently positive mind.

Positive Christian Bookstore

Get in agreement with God about who you are and what you can do with your life. Positive Christian Bookstore.



FAST ASLEEP TMD DEMO    Click here for sneak peek at upcoming TMD album
Positive Christian Rock should come in many flavors, but too often, Christian bands taste and sound the same.  On rare occasions a Christian band shows up with a sound that is different and unique.  Too Many Drummers is different and has a unique sound that you will not find anywhere else in the world of Christian music.

If you are tired of the same old thing, and you want to listen to a sound that is new and different, check out the music of Too Many Drummers.  Visit their website and get to know the band.  Pay a visit to their facebook page, and let your friends know about the Positive Christian Rock music of Too Many Drummers.
"Do You Believe The World Is Flat?" is Too Many Drummers latest CD.  Take a minute and listen to their music.

Too Many Drummers offers their music through iTunes, Amazon Music, or you can purchase a CD directly from their website at a special promotional price.

Awesome music at a great price!  Enjoy.       
Beautiful every day she asks the question how can anyone love me
if they see in my reflection what i see?
itunes link  

Rising we know that we have to do or we will die
don't expect me to stand in line.
itunes link    

June june wishes her name had sharper fangs
to earn her more respect
itunes link

Water in every rain a little life must fall
in every life a little hope is born
itunes link    

Push all i want from you is all you want from me
the middle is a scary place for both of us to be
itunes link    

Sarah her voice could answer the phone in heaven
i leave my number every time i pray
itunes link    

Pursuit stumbling without destination, i've walked this road before
thumbing through the invitations knocking at my door
itunes link    

Surrender i've put a name to the whisper in the wilderness
i've put a name to the longing in my heart
itunes link    

Desire who trusts a golden heart to one who stands in tarnished armor?
who looks for new romances in the broken-hearted masses?
itunes link    

Captain captain, tell me what to do, are the rumors all true - the storm's ahead?
i've been talking to the crew and after all that we've be through, we're still afraid
itunes link    

Positive Christian Radio employs an eclectic staff of music critics.

String Lady reviews Beautiful by Too Many Drummers.

Beautiful is about rediscovery of the beauty that lies within every person.  Inner blindness hides us from who we really are.  Instead of looking at ourselves though God's eyes of love, we see the dark reflections of our mistakes and failures.  We confuse ourselves with the choices we have made.

it's a kind of self-obsession
she can't help herself at all
sliding, deepening regression, staring at the wall
every day she asks the question
how can anyone love me
if they see in my reflection what i see?

Beautiful reminds her how beautiful she is in the eyes of God. 

brought to her knees by shadows she tries to please
oh please, can you help her now to see
she's so beautiful

God loves and accepts her the way she is, but He loves her too much to let her stay that way.  There is no limit to how good her life will become when she opens her heart and mind to the power of God's love.  It's time for her to max out on God's love.

Drummer Dude reviews Rising by Too Many Drummers.

Rising is about making a difference in a world.  Too Many Drummers calls us out to Do or Die.

we know that we have to do or we will die
don't expect me to stand here in line

there is too much wrong that needs to be made right
for us to hide behind a chapel pew
we can lead the world into the binding light
if we do what we were meant to do

God is the God of the possible.  Impossible isn't found in his universe, and it shouldn't be in yours.  Impossible isn't in his vocabulary, and it shouldn't be in yours.  Everything is possible when you get in agreement with God and do what you were meant to do.

Guitar Guy reviews Captain by Too Many Drummers.

Captain is about surviving the storms of life.  We all face storms, and no matter how many of them we experience, we are still afraid.

captain, tell me what to do, are the rumors all true - the storm's ahead?
I've been talking to the crew and after all that we've been through, we're still afraid
captain, it has been so long and we're so far from home, so far away

We all want to know if we are going to be all right.

now the wind is getting high, it's pushing forty-vie and it's only just begun
there's no sleep tonight, will it be all right?
will it be all right, my captain?

we tremble in this mortal coil as waves anoint like holy oil
baptized by fire with one desire, to follow you back home.

The answer is clear, the captain will get us back home.

It's all about trusting God to get us through the storms of life.  Fear is a product of distrust, and faith is product of trust.  When we trust God to take us through the storms of life, faith naturally wells up in our heart and mind.  We don't need to muster faith.  It isn't something we do.  It something that God does to us when we trust God in every challenge.

Dude with Eight Armpits reviews June by Too Many Drummers.

June is lost.  She doesn't know who she is or where she is going.

june wants to rebel but somehow
all the good stuff has been done

june wishes her name had sharper fangs
to earn her more respect

she's a one-woman revolution
it's always a choice away.

June does not have to be lost.  She needs to discover the most important fact in the universe - that God loves and accepts her as she is.  She can start living here and now as a child of God.

One Man Band reviews Water by Too Many Drummers.

Water is all about the choices and decisions that we make.

in every heart beats eternity
in every beat the choice is up to me
in every choice i'm giving you my soul
cause in my soul the living water flows

every day is a new decision, every day is another reason the water flows
you can make me a new creation, when i answer your invitation, the water flows

Change finally happens when I am ready to change.  Change takes a long time because I take so much time getting ready.  When I am ready for change, I open my heart and mind to God's love.  In that instant, the living water flows into my life, and I become a new creation.


I have opened my heart and mind to the power of God's love, and I dare to call God my Father. I love God with all my mind, all my heart, and all my strength.  There is no ambivalence in my relationship with God.

When I jump into God's ocean of love, my life is never the same.  I am born spiritually and become a new person.  Old things pass away and all tings become new.  I look at the world through new eyes and listen with new ears.  I think new thoughts, take new actions, and have a new life.

God's love changes the way I think and feel.  His love washes the toxic waste out of my mind and gives me a clean mind and a pure heart.  My old way of thinking and feeling is gone.  My mistakes and failures are cast into God's ocean of love.  For the first  time in my life, I dare to call God my Father and live as one of his children.  God's love heals my damaged emotions, and my negative feelings and guilt are washed away in a tidal wave of love.

Each day I jump into God's ocean of love and have a life transforming experience.  Dabbling in it will never do.  This isn't something that I do just once and the positive effects last for a lifetime.  I do it every day for the rest of my life.  For as long as I live, I will max out on God's love.

I live in a world created and sustained by love.  The Creator of the universe surrounds me and fills my heart with love.  The presence and power of God in my life is love.

God’s love is unconditional; there is nothing I can do or must do to earn it.  It’s an eternal fact that sustains the world.  It forms the foundation for my self-esteem, and his love makes me worthy.  When my heart is full of God’s love, it’s full of his presence and power.  It’s impossible to have unconditional love in my heart without God putting it there.  Unconditional love isn’t in my chromosomes.  Only God can breathe it into my life.

God is the God of the possible.  Impossible is not found in his vocabulary, and impossibility doesn't exist in his universe.  Everything is possible when I think the way that God thinks.

Romans 8:37-39 states: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  This scripture states the facts of love in an unequivocal way.  There is nothing in the entire universe that can separate me from God’s love.  God is my Father, and his love floods my heart and mind and makes me whole.  There is no limit to how good my life can become when my heart is full of God’s love.

God's plan for my life is simple.  He will take all my choices, mistakes, and failures, and turn them into something good.  My mistakes and failures are the launching pad for God's master plan.

God loves me and accepts me the way I am, but He loves me too much to let me stay that way.  That is my ultimate reason for hope.  God is on my side.  He wants to fill my heart with his love, banish my limitations, and wash away the plague of negative thoughts from my mind.  God’s love carries away my burden of guilt.  His love not only wipes the slate clean, it also throws the slate away.  God has a plan for my life that is better than anything I can imagine.  There is no limit to how good my life can become when I max out on the power of his love.

I must see myself through God’s eyes and learn the facts of love.

God’s love never falters or fails.  It will never stop pursuing me until the day I die.  No matter what I do, I cannot escape it.  I can ignore it or reject it, but it will not go away.  God’s love surrounds and envelops me.  It continually reminds me that I can be one of his children. I will either sink or swim in his ocean of love.

I need to think the way that God thinks.  I need to get in agreement with God.  I need to think abundance.  I need to think possibility.  I need to think forgiveness for myself and others.  I need to think freedom from my past.  I need to think release from my addictions.  I need to think recovery from my sicknesses.  I need to think about God's favor and love.  I need to think the way God thinks.

My mistakes and failures are no surprise to God.  They are the launching pad for God's master plan.  God takes all of my mistakes and failures and turns them into something good.

Visit Positive Christian Affirmations for more positive affirmations of God's love.

Save A Tree Ebooks

Visit Save a Tree Ebooks and fill your mind with positive things.  Positive ebooks that you need to have in your mind.

Dr. Dave is the Positive Christian Doctor with more than 200 positive Christian websites.  If you want to learn how to become a positive person, pay a visit to the Positive Christian Doctor

Positive Christian Cloud is
your connection to all things Christian on the world wide web.  The Positive Christian Cloud connects you with other Christians around the world and is your source for Christian pages on facebook.  The cloud has more than one-hundred positive Christian websites.  Visit Positive Christian Cloud.

Positive Christian Wallpaper is a great way to fill your mind with good things. Visit Positive Christian Wallpaper.com

Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe.  Affirmations overwhelm the inner skeptic and change the way you feel.  Visit Positive Christian Affirmations.com

Christian Positive Psychology is simply thinking the way God thinks.  It's the way God intends for us to think and feel.  It's getting in agreement with God.  Visit Christian Positive Psychology.com

The best place to dig for gold is in a gold mine.  The best place to dig for positive thinking nuggets is in our  free  Positive Thinking Seminar.  If you want to become a mental millionaire, this is the place to start digging.  There is gold in every click of the mouse.

You live in a world ruled by your expectations.  You don't get what you want.  You get what you expect.  Fill your mind with positive expectations.  Visit Power Of Positive Expectations.com

The most positive and most powerful force in the universe is God's Love.  The Bible tells the story of God's love, which means that the Bible is the most positive and most powerful book ever written.  Visit Positive Thinking Bible.com

How do you learn to think the thoughts of God Positive Thinking Scriptures from the Bible are a great place to start.

The Bible reveals the heart of God.  It tells us how God thinks and feels about you and me. Visit Positive Christian Scriptures to find out who you are and what you can do with God's help.

God and Google track everything you do and know all about you.  The major difference between God and Google is the fact that God actually cares about you.  You need to learn the facts of love.  Visit God And Google.com

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