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Caterpillars, cocoons, and butterflies teach me about life.  Too many people are caterpillars, munching their way through life in a never changing existence.  They think that they are supposed to be caterpillars for their whole life.  Another group goes through the caterpillar stage into the cocoon stage and remains there forever.  They slip into an unconscious state and sleep away their remaining days.  A few people wake up, break out of the cocoon, and emerge as butterflies.  Their life is full of brilliant colors and they soar on the updrafts of God's love after they spread their wings and fly.  What's it going to be for you?  Caterpillar, cocoon, or butterfly?


Semper Fidelis is one of the hardest lessons you will ever learn.

No matter where you are, who you are with, or what you do, you  must always keep the faith.

The only people who are qualified to lead and show the way, are those who keep the faith.  You can trust them to always do the right thing.  When they face temptation, they are unmovable, and when they face challenges, they are unstoppable.   They stick with you through thick and thin.

The path to Semper Fidelis is littered with the corpses of the unfaithful.

Jesus said, "He that is faithful in small things will also be faithful in great things."  His statement reminds us that small things are important because they are the training ground that leads to greater things.

Most people treat the small things of life as trivial events, not realizing that their destiny is tied up in small things.  If you can't handle small things with integrity and enthusiasm, if you can't keep the faith, you've instantly disqualified yourself from greatness.  You are second string material and Semper Fidelis will never be part of your name.

In Saudi Arabia I sometimes gave sand driving lessons to my friends.  I always started their lessons in the safety of the small dunes before taking them into mountainous sand.  Small dunes are just like big dunes, except for their size.  If they can safely navigate a small dune, then a big one won't be a problem.  They had to be faithful in small things before they moved on to bigger things.  What I was really doing was giving them a lesson in Semper Fi.

When Dr. Dave isn't working as a Flying Doctor for the Indian Health Service, He is sailing around the world on his sailboat.
ind out what it's like to sail on the ocean of your dreams by watching Captain Dave's DVD.